Nostrification of documents

 If the foreign citizen plans to continue education in Ukraine it is needed to conduct the recognition procedure of educational documents (called nostrification).
 Nostrification of foreign school certificates and diplomas is validation/recognition of the foreign educational level in Ukraine.
 The recognition of foreign diplomas in Ukraine is conducted by Ministry of Education and science of Ukraine («Information and image center»). Web site - link 
 «Information and image center» (hereinafter Center) serves as a national information center of academic mobility (the Order of The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from the 31 of August 2011 № 924).
 In particular, the powers of the center includes the authenticity verification of foreign educational documents issued by educational institutions of foreign states and organization of the expert examination on equivalence determination of qualifications  assigned as on the educational documents issued by educational institutions of foreign states .
 As a result of the authenticity verification of documents and the equivalence determination of qualifications is a decision of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine about recognition of foreign educational document in Ukraine.
 Center works by the principle of «single window». It provides maximum comfort and also transparency of recognition of foreign educational documents procedure by Ministry of Education and Science in Ukraine.
 About the recognition procedure 
 To be valid in Ukraine (for employment or continuing education purposes), a foreign educational document needs to undergo the recognition procedure. This means establishing the compliance of the academic and professional rights, as well as the educational and qualification levels indicated in foreign educational documents (qualifications) with the national education standards of Ukraine.
 The Ukrainian procedure for the recognition of educational documents issued by educational institutions in other countries consists of the following steps:
 Authenticity verification of any foreign educational documents submitted for recognition that is verification of the fact of completed education and issue of the educational document.

 If your documents bear Apostille stamps or proof of their consular legalization, this is considered sufficient for confirming their authenticity. In this case, your documents do not require the verification of the fact of their issue which makes the recognition procedure significantly faster.
 Verification of the official recognition of the educational institution that issued the education-confirming document; that is, checking for the certificate of state accreditation issued to this educational institution and its license effective as of the moment of issue of this educational document to you.
 Establishment of the equivalency of the qualifications indicated in the foreign educational document in accordance with the requirements for educational and qualification levels in the education system of Ukraine (carried out with the involvement of appropriate expert commissions for respective qualifications).

 The comparative analysis of educational programs means comparison of the curriculas by content and scope. This work is performed by a Ukrainian educational institution accredited for the same qualification as that indicated in the applicant’s diploma. If there is no such qualification in Ukraine, the one that is most similar is selected in this case.
 The result of the recognition procedure may be:
Recognition, based on which a Certificate of recognition of foreign educational document is issued.

If the additional conditions are defined for recognition the owner's educational documents qualification (i.e. additional study, competency testing or other actions, non-fulfilment of which prevents further education or employment  in the specialization area in Ukraine) the applicant is sent an appropriate announcement. In such case the holder of the submitted educational documents is required to pass examinations in the subjects specified by the experts. The person is free to choose any higher education institution for passing the tests. Once it is done, the Center will help the applicant to arrange the examination at the chosen educational institution. The time of the document recognition procedure in this case is prolonged accordingly pending the Center’s receipt of the positive test results.
Refusal to recognize the qualification level indicated in the document, with the qualification level possible for recognition specified.
As a result of the recognition procedure, the holder of foreign educational documents receives a certificate that confirms the right to continue his/her education or work in his/her specialization area in Ukraine. 
Educational documents that are not eligible for the recognition procedure in Ukraine:
  • documents issued by educational institutions that are not officially registered (accredited) as entities authorized to provide educational services in their respective countries;
  • documents issued by branches of educational institutions, if these branches are not officially registered as entities authorized to provide educational services in the countries within which they conduct educational activities;
  • documents that do not contain any information about the acquisition by their holder of a specific educational or qualification level that entitles the holder to academic or professional rights;
  • documents failing to meet the respective state standard and issued in a country the international agreements with which provide for the recognition of exclusively state standard documents;
  • documents issued by a training program that can not be correlated with any educational or educational level and (or) field of study (specialty training) of education system of Ukraine;
  • documents that do not contain sufficient information on the content of the curriculum, making it impossible to establish equivalence issued under these Acts educational qualifications or educational qualification levels of the education system in Ukraine.
 The educational documents issued in former Soviet Union countries before 15 of May 1992 don’t require recognition procedure in Ukraine as according to article 5 of the Degree of Educational Cooperation signed in Tashkent in 1992, member states guarantee termless recognition of education-confirming documents issued on their territories before abovementioned Degree came into effect. Participating countries are: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Republic of Uzbekistan.
  Submission procedure and the list of documents
 For conducting the procedure of recognition, it is necessary to provide the following documents:
 Application for recognition (the application form and the example of filling in  can be found on the link ).
 The application form should be filled in Ukrainian and signed by an applicant in electronic form or clear and legible cursive, without corrections. The information will be used in processing of your documents.
 Make sure to give specific, valid and detailed contact information (telephone and mobile numbers, e-mail address which you check regularly) so the officers of our Center might contact you promptly concerning your application. 
 Personal Data Processing Consent. The consent should be filled in and signed by a holder of an educational document. Persons, who received educational document in a country where the basic language is Russian, are required to fill in Personal Data Processing Consent in Russian. The other persons have to fill in the application in English.
 The certified copy of legalized foreign educational document (document which includes the stamp «Apostile» or consular legalization, except countries with two- or multisided agreements containing acknowledgment of documents without additional attestation (without legalization) and its attached Ukrainian translation certified by notary.
 The certified copy of legalized supplement to the foreign educational document and its certified Ukrainian translation attached to it. The supplement should contain the information about the mode and the terms of study, the list of educational disciplines(subjects), the total (weekly) amount of in class and individual hours (credits), amount of semesters and other details of academic activity. Please note that the translation is not required for the supplements to the foreign educational document issued in Russian. But it is obligatory to submit the certified copy of the document.
  •  Copies of documents confirming previous higher education or professional qualification (if there is such).
  • Copy of personal identity documents of the applicant and/or holder of the foreign educational document.
  • Copy of document about the change of the last name of owner of the foreign educational document (if there is such document).
  • Petition about realization of procedure of recognition (in case of presentation of package of documents by educational establishment of Ukraine).
  • Copy of the Invitation (for those persons who have invitation on study from a higher education institution in Ukraine).
  • Document about payment for administrative service or copy of document confirming a right on a release from payment.
Important! Legalized copy of the documents (with Ukrainian translation) can be conducted by State and by private notaries of Ukraine.
 Both owner and other person that presents his interests on questions on recognition can submit documents for recognition (nostrification). Responsibility for registration of package of documents depends upon a declarant.
 Important! If the submitted application package is incomplete and/or the documents are prepared improperly, they will be returned by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine without consideration during 10 working days from registration data; the applicant will be informed about it additionally.
 To begin procedure of submission of an educational document it is necessary:
1) certify the package of documents;
2) submit the prepared package of documents using one of the following methods:
 to send it by post to address:
  • 01135, Kyiv, Pavlovska str. 26/41 «informational image center»
to send by the delivery service to address:
  • 01135, Kyiv, Pavlovska str. 26/41 «informational image center»
Attention! The original educational documents (see a chapter «List of documents») are not sent by post but given personally to the Center and after investigation by the specialist they will be returned to the applicant.
 The given package of documents is on approval during 10 working days from the moment of its receiving and registration. During this time the specialists of the Center verify the completeness of the package of documents and rightness of execution.
 If the documents given by an applicant are given not in full size and (or) wrong fulfilled they will be returned to the applicant without contemplation with a report.
 If the documents given by an applicant are given in full size they are passed for contemplation and it is reported to the applicant about the necessity of showing the originals of documents personally.