From December 2 to 6, 2019, Kateryna Oleksandrivna Tyulkina, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, paid a visit to the Polytechnic in Pozega Institute (Croatia) within the framework of the Erasmus + (STAFF MOBILITY FOR TEACHING) project.


The International Teaching Week began with presentations by all participants, their universities, cities and countries. In the future, it was very useful to communicate and share teaching experience with colleagues from Brazil, Bhutan, India, Canada, Belarus, Azerbaijan, the Czech Republic.


Teaching hours consisted of lectures on the following topics: "Taking into account environmental factors in regional development", "Greening
economy within the concept of sustainable development "," Methods for assessing the environmental sustainability of the country ", etc. Students of the institute were active, showed the ability to work in groups and solve problems facing modern society.

The organizers offered a very broad program in the framework of academic mobility, for which I would like to express my special thanks to the coordinator from the University of Barbara Pisker. The meeting with the management of the Polytechnic Institute was friendly and meaningful: Dean Borislav Milisevis and Vice Dean Berislav Andrlis. Project participants also had the opportunity to visit the city hall and meet with the mayor of Požega, who told about the history of the city and its tourist opportunities.
Although Pozega is a small town (population about 26 thousand people), but a very interesting tour of its sights. The organizers also planned a visit to the vineyards and winery, which belongs to the institute. The international dinner was interesting, where each of the participants presented the food of their country. And the visit ended with a trip to the capital of Croatia - Zagreb, where participants immersed themselves in the festive mood of Christmas.