The 2nd International Credit Mobility Week 2019 ERASMUS + (Athens, Greece) was held at the University of Western Attica (UniWA)
More than 100 participants from 51 universities from 29 countries have attended this event. Academic and administrative staff of universities were able to share their experience in educational, scientific and international activities. The program also included summarizing the implementation of the EU Erasmus + KA102 project. The effectiveness of this project and the ways of future cooperation were discussed.


The Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture was represented by the Head of International Relations Department, Ph.D., Assoc. Anastasia Pandas.  During the visit, a number of meetings with representatives of the international department of the University of Western Attica and ERASMUS + coordinator took place in the context of student training, exchange of experience, organization of scientific events, creation of joint projects on the basis of mutual interests.


It should be noted that in March 2018, the University of Applied Sciences in Athens and the University of Applied Sciences of Piraeus united in the University of Western Attica (UniWA), creating the third largest number of students in Greece.