
Presentation of OSACEA international activities and program of EU Erasmus +

On 5/12/19 in OSACEA took place the presentation of the international activities of the OSACEA and the EU program Erasmus +.


Students learned about the key areas of international activity in the academy, as well as possible options for training in foreign Higher education institutions (HEI) partners. There are several study options: Academic Mobility and Dual Diploma Programs.

Also students who participated in the programs Erasmus + and Mevlana have shared their experience in the projects, Alina Dovhulia, a 2d year student of master’s degree and Ulya Mammadli, a 4 year student who came to OSACEA from Akdeniz University (Antalya) under Mevlana and carries out academic mobility over a three-month period.

It should be noted that academic mobility is an opportunity to study at foreign universities, from a semester to two semesters, without interrupting your studies at the Academy. In this case, the student receives a scholarship that covers all the costs of the grant.


OSACEA partner institutions of higher education within the framework of the program Erasmus + KA107 

  • Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain)
  • University of Rijeka (Croatia)
  • Polytechnic in Pozega (Croatia)
  • University North (Croatia)
  • University of Pitesti (Romania)
  • University of Science and Technology in Bydgoszcz (Poland)
  • State Higher School of Technology and Economics. B. Markevich (Poland)
  • University of West Attica (Greece)
  • George Asachi Technical University in Iasi (Romania)

It is worthwhile to participate in academic mobility programs because it is a great opportunity for development and of course an opportunity to travel.

For more details contact the Department of International Relations