Competition for the academic mobility project (Erasmus+ KA1)
Competition for the Academic Mobility Project has been opened at Polytechnic University - Universitat Politècnica de València (Valencia, Spain)
Term of apprenticeship: 1 semester 2020-2021 academic year
The competition is open to students of 2 and 3 courses, full-time study, of Civil Engineering Institute. English language level is not lower than B1.
To participate in the competition, the following documents should be prepared:
Motivation letter
Transcript rating for the last semester
Curriculum Vitae (Europass form)
Curriculum Vitae should be prepared in Europass form according to the instructions and samples, available at:…/curriculum-vitae
All submitted documents should be in English.
Documents should be sent in one .PDF document per email, or submit in paper form to the International Department of OSACEA (СE building, 1st floor)
Document submission deadline before 12/02/2020
For more detailed information you should address to the International Department