II student scientific online conference dedicated to the Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language
II student scientific online conference to the Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language
November 12, 2020
On November 9, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language.
On November 12, 2020, the II Student Scientific Online Conference "Ukrainian Literature and Language: History and Modernity" dedicated to the Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language was held. The conference was organized by the Department of Ukrainian Studies. Welcoming remarks were made by the Head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies Dr. and. n., prof. Tsubenko VL

The meeting began with a report-presentation of a first-year student of the Institute of Architecture and Art: Alexander Ax on the topic: "History of Ukrainian writing." Then students (Yaholnytska O. "Languages of the Magic Voice", Romanets Y. "New Edition of Ukrainian Spelling", Aniskina A. "The Role of the Ukrainian Language on the Internet", Zhuravlyova A. and Mizgina V. Ivan Kotlyarevsky - founder of the new Ukrainian language and literature ", Segnitova O." Life and work of Ivan Karpenko-Kary ", Sviridova S." Lina Kostenko: harmony through the anguish of dissonances ", Drobot O." Alexander Mykhed "To see to be seen", Sita V. "Anastasia Milevskaya. Inspiration for creativity", etc.). Substantive reports-presentations, which identified the best popularizers of the Ukrainian word, modern figures and writers, once again emphasized that language is one of the most important identifiers of statehood.

The moderators of the II student scientific online conference were senior teachers of the Department of Ukrainian Studies Zminchak NM and Chaenkova OK

According to the results of the meeting, the chairman of the scientific committee, the head of the department of Ukrainian studies, Ph.D. n., prof. Tsubenko VL summed up the conference.